--- title: Basic Usage weight: 1 --- First, add the `Spatie\Permission\Traits\HasRoles` trait to your `User` model(s): ```php use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable; use Spatie\Permission\Traits\HasRoles; class User extends Authenticatable { use HasRoles; // ... } ``` This package allows for users to be associated with permissions and roles. Every role is associated with multiple permissions. A `Role` and a `Permission` are regular Eloquent models. They require a `name` and can be created like this: ```php use Spatie\Permission\Models\Role; use Spatie\Permission\Models\Permission; $role = Role::create(['name' => 'writer']); $permission = Permission::create(['name' => 'edit articles']); ``` A permission can be assigned to a role using 1 of these methods: ```php $role->givePermissionTo($permission); $permission->assignRole($role); ``` Multiple permissions can be synced to a role using 1 of these methods: ```php $role->syncPermissions($permissions); $permission->syncRoles($roles); ``` A permission can be removed from a role using 1 of these methods: ```php $role->revokePermissionTo($permission); $permission->removeRole($role); ``` If you're using multiple guards the `guard_name` attribute needs to be set as well. Read about it in the [using multiple guards](../multiple-guards) section of the readme. The `HasRoles` trait adds Eloquent relationships to your models, which can be accessed directly or used as a base query: ```php // get a list of all permissions directly assigned to the user $permissionNames = $user->getPermissionNames(); // collection of name strings $permissions = $user->permissions; // collection of permission objects // get all permissions for the user, either directly, or from roles, or from both $permissions = $user->getDirectPermissions(); $permissions = $user->getPermissionsViaRoles(); $permissions = $user->getAllPermissions(); // get the names of the user's roles $roles = $user->getRoleNames(); // Returns a collection ``` The `HasRoles` trait also adds a `role` scope to your models to scope the query to certain roles or permissions: ```php $users = User::role('writer')->get(); // Returns only users with the role 'writer' ``` The `role` scope can accept a string, a `\Spatie\Permission\Models\Role` object or an `\Illuminate\Support\Collection` object. The same trait also adds a scope to only get users that have a certain permission. ```php $users = User::permission('edit articles')->get(); // Returns only users with the permission 'edit articles' (inherited or directly) ``` The scope can accept a string, a `\Spatie\Permission\Models\Permission` object or an `\Illuminate\Support\Collection` object. ### Eloquent Since Role and Permission models are extended from Eloquent models, basic Eloquent calls can be used as well: ```php $all_users_with_all_their_roles = User::with('roles')->get(); $all_users_with_all_direct_permissions = User::with('permissions')->get(); $all_roles_in_database = Role::all()->pluck('name'); $users_without_any_roles = User::doesntHave('roles')->get(); $all_roles_except_a_and_b = Role::whereNotIn('name', ['role A', 'role B'])->get(); ```